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About our NDIS Respite Services

Rainbow Support Services offers a variety of New Experiences and Adventure in our NDIS Respite Programs, that have several positive effects on participants of all ages living with physical or intellectual disabilities. Some of the benefits include:

  • Decreasing anxiety: Reduce feelings of anxiety and stress by engaging in fun outdoor activities.
  • Increasing efficacy (ability to get things done): Ehnace your sense of accomplishment and productivity.
  • Increasing connection with peers: Outdoor social activities provide opportunities for individuals to bond with others, strengthening connections and social support networks.
  • Increasing connection with school: Participating in outdoor activities can improve students’ engagement and connection with their school environment.

Contact our friendly team today and share your interests and needs. We will work closely with you to create a personalised program that aligns perfectly with your goals.

NDIS Respite

Our NDIS Respite services provide a home away from home, giving the participant’s carers a short break from their caring role and allowing them to take a short break from the daily routine and use NDIS funding. This enables NDIS participants to enhance their independence, learn new skills, try new things, and make new friends

When your usual support network isn’t available for either 12 hours, 24 hours, a weekend, or to use in a block of up to 14 days at a time, all our short term accomodation NDIS programs cover the cost of the participant’s transport, comfortable accommodation, incidentals such as meals and drinks, stimulating activities, and, most importantly, the NDIS participant’s care and support while away from home.

Activities you can choose from

Enjoy a variety of day trips and activities tailored for short-term adventures. Options include outdoor excursions like swimming and beach outings, visits to the zoo, cultural experiences such as aquarium trips and museum visits, and entertainment events like concerts and plays. Our getaways offer a refreshing break to recharge and unwind within a 12-hour timeframe.

Experience a brief escape from the daily routine with our 24-hour getaways. Participants can indulge in overnight retreats featuring stimulating activities such as outdoor adventures, cultural explorations, and entertainment experiences. Whether it’s a trip to a nearby city for a concert or a relaxing stay at a scenic location, our getaways offer a refreshing break to recharge and unwind.

Experience our Weekend NDIS Retreats, filled with fun activities and opportunities to connect with others. Departing on Fridays afternoon and returning on Sunday afternoons, participants can enjoy adventure-based outings, outdoor excursions, and social gatherings. Whether it’s hiking in the countryside or exploring cultural attractions in the city, our retreats promise an enriching experience for all.

Embark on a memorable journey with our 3-4 day cruises, offering participants the chance to explore scenic waterways and coastal destinations. All cruises include meals and accomodation and onboard entertainment and shore excursions to picturesque ports of call. Participants can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature while enjoying the comforts of a cruise ship, creating lasting memories along the way.

Make the most of school breaks with our range of holiday programs designed for participants of all ages. From day-long activities to multi-day adventures, our school holiday programs offer a mix of educational and recreational experiences. Participants can choose from arts and crafts workshops, physical exercise sessions, music classes, computer workshops, sports tournaments, board game competitions, and more, ensuring an enjoyable and enriching holiday break for all.

Under the Rainbow, we empower the LGBTQIA+ community with unforgettable experiences and moments of joy. Let’s go dancing the night away at a nightclub in Melbourne, joining the vibrant energy of the ChillOut festival, exploring the Victoria Pride Centre, participating in the spirited festivities of Midsumma Pride Carnivals and Street parties, cruising the open waters on a Pride cruise, or marching proudly in a pride march parade, our events offer a diverse range of options. The possibilities are truly limitless.

Ready to start?

Contact us and let us know your interests, and we’ll organise and provide tailored NDIS service agreement compliant with the NDIS price guidelines for you to review and choose from to use from your NDIS funding.